Wednesday, May 2, 2012
My Aunt Jennie was never one who relished being the center of attention. However, I offer the short obit here as a testament to her long life and so others may say a prayer or take a moment to remember her with fondness. She taught me how to sew, knit, needlepoint, crochet. Unfortunately not cooking! She took me with her on a trip to Russia, a country that has fascinated me ever since my college history professor said (in 1973), "we think" this is happening in Russia, but we really don't know...and in the late 90's because of Aunt Jennie (and maybe a little to do with Glasnost!) I was able to step off a plane in Moscow, travel by boat up to St. Petersburg and view the splendor of that country and listen and talk to its people. You helped me open doors Aunt Jennie. Thank you.