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Thursday, June 29, 2017
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Wuyue(五月) posted a condolence
Thursday, October 9, 2014
As I drove along the same familiar roads to Cui-Ping-Ju studio(翠屏居), the ones I had driven a thousand times to see the same face light up with happiness, I realized that this time would be different. The world had one less kind and generous soul, and I was without my dear friend of more than ten years.
When the leaves turn red and gold and blanket the ground, I will come visit you at Ferncliff Cemetery, NY. I will bring the Wuliangye wine(五粮液) you loved so much, and perhaps I will see your smile once more.
Are you well up in heaven? I miss you.
Shelley W posted a condolence
Friday, August 15, 2014
As a prior student of Hsu Dan, it has been such a pleasure and honor to personally learn under him.
As someone who enjoys writing daily journals, here are excerpts of what I wrote after attending the funeral. I offer these memories to friends, family, and loved ones of Hsu Dan:
As I sit here and close my eyes, I imagine the room where I spent hours...and hours....and hours...of creating my Senior Portfolio.
Located in the walkout basement, the room is pleasantly cool during the summers and chilly during the winters; wearing winter down jackets during that period was a norm. When you enter the basement, there are a number of tables spread out with paintings he has yet to set. Some of them are already sold. I admire them, thinking how I would most likely never be able to afford them...I'm happy enough with the samples and painting examples he gives me as he teaches me haha.
Sitting at that table, with Hsu Dan on the other side, is a pretty darn cool. When you paint or draw, he nonchalantly studies your technique. Occasionally, he turns on some Chinese classical music. I have to mention though, one time he was listening to his MP3 a bit loudly and I faintly heard an upbeat song that vaguely sounded like MJ's Thriller baha.
Sometimes, when he gets bored, he would end up painting the same exact thing what I was attempting to paint, and then proceed to show me what his looked like compared to mine.
You might be thinking: "Doesn't that feel awful--knowing you may never amount to his work??" But when you know how many decades of mentoring and experience and practice this man has under his belt....I can only feel flattered that he is willing to paint at all--let alone allow me be in the same room as him. Being able to hold a brush besides a master artist like him is an honor.
The serenity he exudes when he paints makes me awe-struck. While age has deteriorated his body, his hands are so nimble and graceful. The way he's able to tastefully add that one stroke to make a painting look so...complete.
He's an adorable man. His wispy hairstyle gave him an elvish quality. His glasses magnified his eyes' magical quality and inquisitiveness. There's so many little things he does that makes me eager to share about to my high school friends on Monday when they ask me how my weekend was.
Let's not forget the way he silently smacks his lips when he is content with something. To me, that was the ultimate praise from him when he was studying my work. I remember the summer before my Senior year of high school while picking out pieces for my Senior Portfolio, he paused at the "La Voleur D'Eiffel" and immediately understood what it was despite it being an abstract collage...smacking his lips quietly while saying in Chinese: "How interesting....the Eiffel Tower....".
For a period of time in the beginning, he challenged us to recognize colors he mixed on his palette. Teaching us how there's hundreds of different versions of brown: "This is green/purple brown" he explained and then added a drop of red..."And this is an auburn coffee-like brown". Now, it's become instinctive for me to identify what colors made up a certain hue when admiring paintings or nature.
There were times when he was frustrated with me. When I could not grasp his critique of how the greenery in the lower landscape was supposed to be laid out and I had to redo it three times, that was the loudest I ever heard him. Here's a convo I wrote down in my journals from Junior year of high school: "Calm down! Breathe! Think!" he scolded in Chinese. "Art is not just emotions! You need to use your brain in combination with feelings! Art requires precision and thoughtfulness! You can't just draw out landscapes and stick things here and there!"
One time his wife brought down some vegetable puree drink, telling me how healthy it was. Once she left, he proceeded to drink the juice through a straw while watching my sister and I paint. In writing, it sounds mundane, but throughout the whole time my sister and I were struggling not to crack up in laughter--the way he was drinking it and watching us was so....cute haha.
For the first Christmas, my sister and I gave him an extremely large and tall snow-globe shaped in a snowman. Don't ask...haha. Opening up the gift from the package immediately, he held the heavy object and thoughtfully studied it. Setting it right in the middle of the table, he stood up and analyzed it like as if he was looking at David by Michelangelo. Smacking his lips once again, he nodded, saying it was very good...very good (imagine an old man voice saying this in Chinese).
For the third Christmas, my sister and I gave him...a festive dinner plate. Once again, he studied it carefully, flipping over the ceramic and studying the grain. He proceeded to put some of his brushes in the plate and then smacked his lips and nodded silently at the plate for 10 seconds or so. "What do you think?" he asked.
His distinctive trait was his peace. Worries never really seemed to bother him, and he always had such a peaceful demeanor when painting. As someone who allows my emotions to bubble over and overwhelm myself, I greatly admired how at peace he was--the Lord gave him this peace, and I yearn to be like that similarly. Father God, may you continue to challenge me with experiences in my life in order to learn to find peace and comfort only in you.
The last time I heard news about him was when my mother mentioned a chance encounter with Hsu Dan. While my father was receiving treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, they unexpectedly met Hsu Dan in the hospital. Smaller and weaker, my parents found out that like all patients there, he was battling cancer. Unfortunately, they caught it at a later stage, but were trying their best to combat it. When my mother informed me, I was distraught. Weren't artists known for their exceptional mental fitness and longevity? Master Hsu soon recovered to return back home and begin teaching again; my sister reported to me how he seemed to be back to normal--slightly thinner and weaker, but still the same. He had surgery and he was...supposedly...okay now.
Getting the phone call last week only reminded me how saying one has "won" over cancer should be said...with caution. Like my dear 4th grade teacher Ms. Nawrotski, while she "won" over Breast Cancer, it relapsed and took her away a couple years later.
He always constantly told us how previous students-once they leave for college-would typically never bother to go back and visit him. He explains how in China, students of well-known artists had parent-child relationships. He lamented that here in America, this kind of respect is dying and nearly nonexistent. Sensing the sorrow in his voice, at that time, I thought to myself: "I will never be one of those people. Surely, I will visit him when I'm back home on breaks."
I regret to say I am part of that group.
This has taught me to hold on to relationships I have built up in my meager 20 years tightly. Life is fleeting and short. I must learn to stay in contact with people and continue building up the relationships I have built up. Laziness or business is not an excuse. Every single connection I made and will make is precious. God placed these people in my life for His reasons, and I must not take all relationships for granted.
While this time is a period of sorrow, by knowing the fact that he is baptized and saved, I can rejoice in the hope that he is with our Heavenly Father. He has defined much of my high school extracurricular experience, and I am thankful for all that he has taught me. The skills and lessons Master Hsu has helped hone some valuable skills that I will dutifully apply in whatever work I pursue. But ultimately, he has taught me how to slow down from my busyness and to take the time to contemplate and appreciate the wonders God has created in this world, whether it be through nature or design.
Ming Hsu posted a condolence
Friday, August 15, 2014
女儿 小敏
Jane Rocca Hecht posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Somewhere I read that traditional Chinese art students spent years promoting their teachers as part of their training. I'm grateful that Hsu Dan provided me with opportunities to speak for him in public and to walk with him on the quest to exhibit his art.
For everyone to whom Hsu Dan left rich memories and a vast legacy.....I pray that you continue to enjoy and share these gifts.
Delphine Kung 孔德慧 posted a condolence
Friday, August 8, 2014
1992, 好愉快的一年,那年一周一次在老师家学畫. 每次上课就很開心,聽老師侃侃而談,縦橫古今中外,細說筆墨紙硯. 我驚喜著筆墨之趣,緊跟著老師的描述遊戲畫間,不時感佩老師淵博的學識,豐富的想像,讚歎中華文化之博大精深. 有大師帶領,我們何等幸運!老師説學畫還要學形會看,學師長作畫的狀態,氣勢,沈浸其間的品味,運筆,沾墨,捋紙,速度,頓挫揮灑的派頭. 老師説完,哈哈大笑. 上課中間,師母會端來一些小吃,水果,都是老師喜歡的小點心,我也跟著一起大快朵頣。每次下課,師母肯定準時的端來一杯變新花樣,精心調配,營養均橫,剛剛打好的新鮮果汁給親愛的許先生品嚐。老師毎次都不肯喝,說那杯果汁的顔色不好看,肯定不好喝,萬一難喝,喝下去影響心情。我每次當然都站在師母一邊,鼓勵老師當探險喝,反正不好推,乾脆閉上眼睛,一口喝下去,可能不見得難喝,這可是師母的一片愛心噢。老師笑説也是也是,於是勇敢的一口喝了下去,師母滿意的笑了。每次都是這樣!
Zhiyuan Han posted a condolence
Friday, August 8, 2014
回意六十七年前,我们同时跨进美院。虽不同班,但偶尔有接触。最初印象你乐观健谈,认识久了知道你是个底蕴深厚,蓬勃上进的好小伙儿。因为你勤奋努力,求学期间打下扎实的基础 。五一年我先毕业去了新疆,以后多年没有联系。
光阴如梭一晃三十年,八十年代再见时,你时已是东南大学的教授了。在你家作客时谈到你那些年里的风风雨雨,里面有许多的不容易。因为天资聪慧,勤恳过人,又有机遇,你脱颖而出。你又谈到了新的挑战——出国奋斗。你是信心十足,决心更足。 看到你依旧乐观健谈,却又多了一份社会责任感,并有了更大的抱负, 我为你高兴,更多的是敬佩。2008年校庆我们都回到了杭州,你给我们带来了更大的惊喜。你已集 绘画建筑园林设计于一身成了世界享誉的大师,大家为你欢呼。在那段日子里,每个早晨我们几位同学都到大华饭店餐厅与你聚会。吃着美味的早餐,欣赏着窗外西湖的美景,边听你讲述国外的创业经历。参观你的画展时,你每幅画给我们逐个讲解, 从构图到色彩,从灵感到意境,从技巧到效果。我们完全可以看到你倾注其中的“情”。讲到你“得意”的作品时 的神情,让我们充分感受到你在艺术上深厚的造诣,古今中外融会贯通,使我们敬佩万分。我们又去了母校旧址,平湖秋月,哈同花园,最后在“楼外楼”为你庆生吃长寿面。我们忘记了时间忘记了年龄,在无比快乐中享受了一次终身难忘的聚会。
你的一生充实快乐,绚丽多采, 为家庭社会作出了巨大的贡献。如今你先回到了天家,安息主怀,我们将来在天国再见。
Zhen Yan posted a condolence
Monday, August 4, 2014
五月樱花盛开的季节我们驱车陪同八十多的母亲从弗吉尼亚来到新泽西看许伯伯。从妈妈那知道许伯伯已经几十年了,但第一次见面还是三个月前的这次特别的聚会。 他们是大学同学,相识已六十多年,老友相见当然开心。 他们看着老照片,讲述年青时候的故事,仿佛刚刚发生的事。 见面的一瞬间我们就立刻感受到他对生活对艺术的热爱,对朋友的热情。 他发自内心感慨地说他“来世”还要画画, 永远画不够, 散发着年青的情怀。见到我们就像见到了多年不见的孩子,侃侃而谈。更让我们惊奇的是许伯伯不久前受洗信主,母亲也是同月受洗, 神的恩典竟是这样的奇妙!万是都互相效力, 叫爱神的人得益处 (罗8:29),许伯伯回到了天家,安息主怀,他光采的一生使无数人得益处,他完美地彰显了神的荣耀!我们想念您, 许伯伯!
乐卫忠 posted a condolence
Monday, August 4, 2014
功成名就的石丹兄 千古
乐嬿妍 posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
您的离世我心中万般不舍.悲伤万分. 2005夏有幸与我父母一起去新泽西探望您和全家,那是分别廿十多年后的重逢.那虽然是短短的一周,我们却沉浸在那般的喜悦之中.之后的电话通讯也让我听见您的欢言笑语. 您是那样的怀旧. 您时常讲起回国与老同学和老朋友欢聚时光. 您还是那样留恋上海的点心和美食.
至幼起您就是我心中的亲伯父.太多与您一起的美好往事厉厉在目.您那幽默,慈祥的形象永远驻我的心底.得知您贵体欠安,我祷告上帝,愿神保佑您. 您走得安祥是您福气. 许伯母和小敏就是我自己的親伯母和妹妹.您请安心.
Rui posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Rui posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Shelley & Bin Shen posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Anna Emanuel posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Hsu family, students and friends, I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Mr. Hsu but my deepest sympathy to all of you. May God’s words at Isaiah 25:8 – He will swallow up death forever and wipe away the tears from all faces - bring you comfort during this distressing time. The Bible can be read or listened to online at
Rui, Ken, Feifei posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Lulu & Cece Shen posted a condolence
Sunday, August 3, 2014
My Teacher
The teacher who taught me how to draw
Created stunning, original scenes
Using various purples and greens
As I watched in awe
He fixed all my flaws
All while teaching me how to draw
In memory of our beloved teacher,
~ Lulu & Cece Shen
王瑞 posted a condolence
Saturday, August 2, 2014
杭州工艺美术博物馆 posted a condolence
Saturday, August 2, 2014
杭州西湖博物 posted a condolence
Saturday, August 2, 2014
About Us
We, the Higgins family, for over 135 years and four generations, have been privileged to serve the families and the community as a whole with professional service and personal attention.
752 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069
Steve Szczubelek, Manager