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purchased flowers for the family of Bernard Hayden Jr.. Send Flowers
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Eric Eugene King posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, July 21, 2023

Doreen S posted a condolence
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Mr Hayden was a customer of a Financial Institution where I work . Our first time meeting was when he went on a scale to weigh himself that is in the Branch , He said I made him feel like he won a million dollars . We hit it off since that day and he is a joy to talk to . He said call me Bernard and I said no way ! I was happy whenever he visited especially when he came in a minute before we close :) I would yell at him and then we would laugh because he would call me PRINCESS . I was so fortunate to have met him and our last conversation he told me he did not have long to live and I in return would STOP IT. He will be greatly missed but he is in a better place . My Condolences to his Family.
Doreen S.
Lily Gardner lit a candle
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Henry Alvin posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Rest well, brother. I am my brother's keeper. Prov 18:24
Shawn johnson lit a candle
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hello, I am Shawn Pierre-Johnson, Charlotte Pierre oldest daughter who is BUBBY'S OLDEST SISTER. I'm his oldest niece. I'm heartbroken and missing my Uncle. I DID GET TO SEE HIM AND HUG AND TALK TO HIM HE CRIED I CRIED AND HE SAID IM TIRED BABY. He was a loving family member to us all. I actually got my 1st job at 12 ironing his clothes for money on Saturdays for him to go out and show off his fancy clothes he was a clean cut smooth operator from head to toes. We would sit and watch his favorite SOUL TRAIN EVERY SATURDAY and act like we were coming down that dance line. CATRELL WOULD TAKE MY KIDS AND HIS DAUGHTER OVER ON THE WEEKENDS FOR GAME NIGHTS. HE WAS SO GRATEFUL FOR ME LETTING ALL THE KIDS GROW UP TOGETHER AND HAVE ALL THESE GREAT MEMORIES WITH HIM. GOOD OLE UNCLE BUBBY! LUV YOU MAY YOU REST IN PEACE! I LOVE YOU FOREVER YOUR NIECE SHAWNY!!
Charo Pierre lit a candle
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

I am the third daughter of Charlotte V. Pierre (his oldest Sister). My name is Charo Pierre-Miller Uncle Bubby was my beloved Uncle and I loved him very much...Rest in Peace Uncle Bubby
Lydia and Michael Jones posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Deepest expressions to Charo Pierre-Miller family, who Uncle Bubby was dear to her heart..
Bernard closest friend Ernie Settles, preceded him in death...
My connection with these two gentlemen were indirectly, an uncle, a dear friend closed as a sister...fond memories will never be forgotten. Death , the enemy was not Jehovah's plans for mankind soon will be eliminated entirely on Jehovah's timeline....
Much comfort to the family...2 Cor 1: 2-4
Cartrell lit a candle
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Bernard H. Hayden Jr.
I am not sure where to begin. There are so many great memories that can be shared. The man was very likable, loving, charming, enjoyed slipping in the occasional jokes, and was quick wit concerning a snappy comeback if you managed to share one of your own. But no matter what, in his eyes, you were as he'd call you, "An Old Buzzard", "Don't you know"?
He always found a way to help those who were in need especially if he considered you his friend or family. He was someone who enjoyed entertaining guests and making everyone feel at home at his residence. You always felt you were either at the movies or at a concert, however, if you were fortunate enough, you were invited to play a few games of pool with him. He had many friends, but some were a band of brothers he adopted. (Ernest, Reginald, Henry, Richard, and Sterling) I have to add also Keith which he considered his nephew as well. They were all like extended family which you could often find checking on him or vice versa.
He had a soft spot for children in general but especially the ones in the family. He took in me and my brother Omar when our mother passed away which was his baby sister while we were still teens.
He would always do something he felt would make the kids smile. Uncle B loved his granddaughter Amaya and would often share stories of their talks with me. He'd often share with me how he once wanted many more of his own and he greatly loved his son Eric.
I'd often visit him with my daughter Nätijah, and his niece's Shawn two youngest kids Indira and Nadir whom he also enjoyed. He once allowed me to purchase a game system to put on his T.V. in his basement just so the kids could have somewhere to play. As some may know, he loved his T.V. (Don't you dare touch his T.V or remotes.)
If you got a chance to spend time with him, you'd learn he had a passion for anime, the sciences and documentaries about nature.
One of his favorite restaurant to eat at was called "Bills" followed by "Pete's". He enjoyed riding to classic old soul music when he drove his car and of course his bucket hats. But when he dressed, you know the haberdashery had to be a certain way with his favorite colors being either black or blue. I could visualize hearing him saying "What you say" grinning and smiling as I close this out.
You will be missed "Old Timer", you had a heart of gold and truly were dear to my heart Uncle B.
Thank you for the encouragement when I became a father to my daughter. I'm happy she had the opportunity to know you and see how close you grew to become. I'm sure she will always remember you calling her "Old Lady" and she hitting you back with the "What you say". Thank you for all the lessons in life, about fatherhood and many other wonderful memories I will cherish for the rest of my days. Thank you for believing in me.
With gratitude, love and respect always. May you rest easy.
The family of Bernard H. Hayden Jr. uploaded a photo
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

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Teinelle purchased flowers
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Sent with love and remembrance
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Teinelle lit a candle
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I will always remember Uncle Bubby, how kind he was to me and how he immediately took me in like family. It felt like he was my uncle too.
My fiance at the time was Uncle Bubby's nephew. He, his daughter and I would spend time with him every weekend. I know he is in a better place now! I love and miss you Uncle Bubby! Love Teinelle ❤️
Tonie Perkins lit a candle
Thursday, July 13, 2023

He always lite up a room no matter where the family gathering..he always show up..May he rest in peace..
Aliase A Anderson Wallace lit a candle
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

To The Family Of Bernard Bubby Haden
Bernard Surely Be Missed He Was The Life Of The Party, Funny Soft Spoken, And Kind My Husband Who Was His Cousin Spent A Lot Time At His Home. My Prayers And Condolences To All The Family.

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We, the Higgins family, for over 135 years and four generations, have been privileged to serve the families and the community as a whole with professional service and personal attention.
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Watchung, NJ 07069
Steve Szczubelek, Manager