Tribute Wall
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James Flynn uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 12, 2025
James Flynn uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Early this morning , around 3 am , January 7, 2025 our Lord Jesus came for His dear friend , Lee Scarfone , and brought him quietly Home , to Himself .
Lynn was laying asleep next to him on his recliner ; for 6 days she slept there , feeling his time here was soon to come to an end . All the kids and grandkids from near and far had visited him over Christmas time . Mary has fed him and held his hand a few days ago … he smiled at her many times . He loved her , he loved all of you , he loved his wife and family and all people , he loved Jesus and the Blessed Mother very much , and he loved me . I will miss my friend and brother , we all will .. he will be with us more then ever , in Christ , our Savior, his most dear Friend .
He would ask you to pray for him and his family , to love one another , recieve Jesus Love and to follow Jesus ; , he would thsnk all you little and big Flynns , spouses , friends , kids for joining him at many Lords Days suppers , picnics in the Scarfone park backyard , enjoying a tomato from his park avenue garden …
Remeber how we stumbled upon him near Canada camping on our trip to St Joseph Oratory in Montreal …. 7 kids and 7 kids we were together neighbors … a strong builder , working for a dime here , a dime there , making room in their old home for anyone who needed a place to eat or sleep … I remember him and I with Greg English on his roof patching the chimney , three old fellows holding on to each other , in many ways ,patching cracks in the bricks of our lives …our first hello 50 years ago singing Amzing Grace , lee , Lynn , Maureen …,
The readings above from Mass today … “ the Lord has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, and to proclaim liberty to the captives “
O Lee my dear friend you lived this , you loved Jesus so much , loved everyone , you loved my family , you loved me ; thank you dear brother in Christ , you have run a good race , the precious Prize is yours to hold and be held by , forever and ever … Remeber us dear Lee , I know you will , you always did , nothing can seperate us from the Live of God in Christ Jesus our Lord …
Thsnk you for giving maueen and our children and me“ someting to eat “ , as the gospel says …Bread that satisfies unto Eternal Life …, Rest in Jesus and the Love of the Father tonight precious friend , you will have “ work “ to do in the morning , I / we are hungry … i need help , your help , in Jesus Love , to “ finish the race “ dear Lee , the chimney bricks are getting old and crack , you know the Master Builder , please bring Him to our home , the door is open to you both .
With love , and Thsnk you ,
Your friend, jim
Lewis and Freda Ferris posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Our condolences Lynn. Will pray for his soul. Lee was a Great honest individual.
Lew and Freda Ferris
The family of Lee Scarfone uploaded a photo
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Anonymous purchased flowers
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
May your heart and soul find peace and comfort. I love you all.
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About Us
We, the Higgins family, for over 135 years and four generations, have been privileged to serve the families and the community as a whole with professional service and personal attention.
752 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069
Steve Szczubelek, Manager