Tuesday, February 16, 2010
To the Family of Ruth Schoneberger,
What I write now is what you have long known about Ruth. I met her when I joined the staff of Watchung Library four years ago, and her gift to welcome and delight all those in her company was instantly evident. Ruth shared many gifts. She brought joy, dedication, creativity, grace, truthful revelation, and love with her wherever she went. I valued her wisdom and insight, and I cherished her open, generous heart. She was relentlessly curious – always interested in what was going on in the world around her, and she took the time to see what was new. And Ruth could laugh. She saw the humorous side of life’s imperfections, and helped us all remember – with delight, but without judgment - that we’re part of that club too. She found beauty wherever she went, both near and far. She listened to it on weekends and traveled to it over the course of her life. She is one of the most beautiful people I have known, and I’ll be forever grateful for the gifts of her life.
With Gratitude and Love,
Sharon Orlando