Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hi Martha,
Since Patti told me you weren't feeling well months ago, you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I have known you since I was 13 or 14 and always thought you were a little too strict with Patti and I. Now that I reflect, you had every right to be.. We were holy terrors. I remember you saying you were never going to marry until both sides of the front sidewalk leading up to the house were filled with azalea plants. silly things you never forget. But to be a bit serious, your family always held a special place in my heart. Knowing you were sick is one thing, but knowing your not here is a whole new level. Once you love a person you never stop. I will talk to you at night before I go to bed and I know you will hear me. I know life is already better for you right now. You will be missed terribly by your sister and Stevie but I will be there for Pat.. One last thing, could you give Junior a big hug for me? I think about him too. I love and respect you Martha. I know you are at peace. Val