Tribute Wall

Maria Barreiros
purchased flowers for the family of Victoria Bastos. Send Flowers
Guaranteed hand delivery by a local florist
Lauren De lima uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Hi to whoever is reading this. I just wanted to say that Victoria was one of my best friends and I feel so honored that I got the chance to have her as one of my best friends. She was kind, brave, funny and someone I never ever want to let go. I miss her with my whole heart. I hope that her family is doing well now.
Katie uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, June 16, 2022


Sarah Romero lit a candle
Monday, May 30, 2022

What happened to tori was one of the worst things that has happened to me in life. everyday going to the busses after school we would say hey to each other and give each other a hug even though we weren’t supposed to. Tori was a blessing to have in life. she was funny, silly, kind and was the best person ever. She had the best personality and she always wanted to cheer people up even when they were down and upset. God bless her and her family. gone but never forgotten. in our hearts forever. i love you victoria bastos. i’ll see you again. ❤️
Andrea Dinis Henriques lit a candle
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Our deepest and most sincere condolences to our friends Vitor, Cynthia, Natasha and the whole family. We are here for you. Love Andrea & Luis Henriques
Dawn Miller lit a candle
Saturday, April 9, 2022

I've never met your family personally, but our daughters played against each other on the soccer field. Most recently at a tournament at St. Benedict's a couple of weeks ago. We found out at today's game what happened and my heart breaks for your family. Victoria is in our prayers and we offer our deepest sympathies to your family. May God be with you.
Dawn and Avery Miller
Destiny H posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, April 8, 2022

Hey, Victoria and her family it’s Destiny one of Victoria’s friends I just wanted to say that Victoria was a great friend that treated everyone with kindness and was really funny too but what happened was very tragic. I just wish it had even happen at my age but we will always remember her in our hearts and memories but tori see you in the afterlife
Dália Canelas Pires uploaded photo(s)
Friday, April 8, 2022


Lamento tanto a vossa perda. Beijinho a todos.
Voa alto Vitória.
João lit a candle
Friday, April 8, 2022

Danielle Mehalick lit a candle
Friday, April 8, 2022

My condolences to the Bastos family. May God be with you during this time.
Noemi Afonso lit a candle
Friday, April 8, 2022

Dear Victoria (Tori), we had the pleasure of having you come into our lives you where always happy and spunky and made Gabi laugh all the time from the first day she met you it was an instant friendship we will always treasure you in our hearts and miss you deeply may you always shine your light from up above, Always loved in our hearts The Afonso family
Love you always Gabi :)
Lisa Pinto posted a condolence
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Our heart’s break for you loss. Ally will always cherish her friendship with Tori. She was such a happy, positive, good friend. Our prayers are with you.
Love the Pinto family
teresa pinto lit a candle
Thursday, April 7, 2022

teresa pinto uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, April 7, 2022


Luís Costa lit a candle
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Rest in peace, Princess
Maria S3 posted a condolence
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Os meus sentidos pêsames, nao e justo tal coisa acontecer,um abraço apertado para toda a família.
Lilli Vann lit a candle
Thursday, April 7, 2022

My deepest heart felt condolences and prayers for you all. Victoria left such and impact on everyone she has met. You raised a beautiful soul who will be forever in our hearts and deeply missed. Praying for strength during this difficult time. Thank you for being such amazing parents to her. It was reflected in her personality. She will surely be missed.
Love, Ms. Lilli (security, Wilson Ave school)
Carla Goncalves lit a candle
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Sofiamalicis lit a candle
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

So sorry for your loss.
Prayers for your family at this difficult time!
Victoria you will be forever in your hearts!
Rest in peace little Angel!
Sofia,Paul,Bryanna & Gabriella
Jessica Calado posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Cynthia e familia, keeping you all in my deepest thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Sending lots of love and light .
Love , Jessica (Calado) and family
Margarita Hernandez-Abeigon lit a candle
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

My deepest condolences goes to the parents and family of our beautiful Victoria. Although your time on earth was short you made a profound impact on all who knew you. May you Rest In Peace.
K Toste posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Primo João Fabiano sends his condolences from the Azores. May the God who breathed precious life into your beautiful child sustain you with His love.
Daniella Alvarez lit a candle
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Mary Aloe posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
We share our deepest condolences and sorrow. May God comfort you at this difficult time. My daughter remembers Tori as a friend and a very nice girl. She will be missed by the children at Hillside. May God Rest Her Soul with the Angels in Heaven. God Bless you all. Sincerely, The Aloe Family
Maria E Galarraga posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
This is such a shock. We are so terribly sorry for your loss. You’re in our thoughts, prayers and heart.
Maria Galarraga and Family.
Aida Vasconcelos posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Uma tristeza profunda e indescritível meus sentimentos aos pais Cyntia e Victor,sabemos o quanto a Victoria foi
o sonho de vocês, que Jesus possa confortar os corações deles e de todos os familiares nesse momento tão difícil, força e fé.
Deus precisou dessa docil e linda estrela.
Paula Peres lit a candle
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Muita tristeza,
Um abraço apertado a toda a família,
Muita luz e força para toda a família ❤️
Maria Barreiros purchased flowers
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Victoria Bastos will remain in our hearts forever. Please accept our deepest condolences and prayers. Love Miss Barreiros and Maria Barreiros.
Please wait
Marco Molha lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Que tristeza e injustiça. Quem ouvia a tia Isabel falar percebia que era uma criança especial, alegre e feliz.
Não merecia, ninguém merecia.
Que toda a família consiga encontrar forças para amenizar a dor e que os vossos corações sejam confortados por essa estrelinha que estará a olhar por vocês.
As minhas sentidas condolências.
Diana lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Rest in peace Victoria! Cynthia and Victor we are really sorry for your loss.
Pedro Gonçalves uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Minha Linda princesa , serás sempre um anjo lá em cima a zelar pelos teus pais e irmã , foram apenas 11 anos , mas tanta luz tu imanavas , que ser lindo .
João Torrinha lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

As minhas sentidas condolências para toda a família.
Muita força e coragem.
Estou muito triste.
Jane Parise posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
We extend our deepest sympathy to you during this time. Our prayers and blessings are with you. No amount of words can express the pain that you are going through and we are sending you love and prayers and hope that you are able to find strength during this dark time. The love and joy that your child brought to you and your family will never be forgotten. Please know that we are thinking of you and your family during this tragic time.
Our prayers are with you.
Jane & Jerry Parise and Dale Rolef
sophia lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

rest in peace victoria, you are such a kind and funny person, i’ll miss you ❤️
Ana António lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Não sendo religiosa, tenho rezado por ti Kiki, pela tua Cíntia, pela tua pequena Natasha, pela mãe Vitória e pela minha amiga Isabel. Não sei que outra coisa possa fazer. Recordo a doçura da Vitória, o seu jeito especial e o seu sotaque adorável. Recordo-a Bela. Sintam-se abraçados, choramos juntos.
Lupi e Osvaldo Mateus lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Como te vejo eu agora, Vitorinha
Nadando num infinito mar azul, rodeada de crianças, que brincam e riem sem parar.
Ao chegar o por-do-sol, saiem da água e vão-se afastando, pulando, teu vestido branco esvoaça, tal como teus cabelos cor de trigo.
Chamo-te e tu sorrindo, fazes um gesto com a mão, como quem diz: Já volto!
O sol cai no mar enquanto vejo os teus passitos desenhados na areia pintada de tons de azul e rosa...
Até breve, anjo Vitória ❤️
Janaina Tardeli lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Minha amiga Cyntia, Vitor e Natasha … sintam se abraçados por todos nós neste momento tão difícil. Estaremos em orações por vocês para que Deus conforte e dê forças. Agradecemos a Deus pelos momentos felizes que passamos juntos com a Victoria. Que Deus receba com seus anjos nossa bonequinha Victoria. Abraços Jana Tardelli, Hélio e Little Nick !
Gislaine Pereira lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Fatima Mota lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Victoria querida menina…
Só a conhecia pelas palavras da tia Isabel e sei o quanto era Amada pela sua ternura e pela sua boa disposição! O Amor nos olhos da tia Isabel transparecia quando falava da sua Vitorinha…. Querida menina que partiu cedo demais e deixa Saudade aos tantos que a Amavam!
A todos os familiares as minhas muito sentidas condolências!
Isabelle Coelho-Marques uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

No amount of words can express the pain that you are going through.
Thinking of you Victor, Cynthia and Natasha during this difficult time. Sending you love, prayers and strength. The love and joy that your child brought to us will never be forgotten
RIP sweet Tori
Adel Noll lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Cynthia e Vitor amigos amados, meus sinceros sentimentos pelo tragico accident da eterna doce Princesa Vitória, que agora ilumina o céu.
Estamos de coração partido. Minha mente jamais irá conseguir imaginar a dor que vocês estão sentindo.
Que Deus conforte o coração de vocês e da princesinha Natasha.
Lembraremos sempre daquele sorriso único e mais puro, daquele talento admirável, daquela doçura preciosa e delicadeza sem fim, e claro do respeito phenomenal que Vitória tinha por nós.
Amados amigos, que Deus dê muita força e sabedoria a vocês nesse momento tão agonizante.
Amo vocês com todo meu coração e alma
Até breve
Marta Costa lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Marta Costa Posted Apr 5, 2022 at 10:37 AM
Amigo Kiki não existem palavras que vos possam reconfortar para tamanha dor,uma dor sem fim,inimaginável .Resta-nos acreditar que um dia a vamos encontrar,para conseguir ir amenizando.Agora é aprender a lidar com a ausência,um longo caminho…Têm de ter muita força,agarra-te à pequenina q tb precisa de vós!Bjs no vosso coração apertadinho…
Michelle Marcal uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Pra sempre nos nossos corações anjo Victoria…
Vera Santos lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Não há palavras que possam expressar a dor que devem estar a sentir neste momento meus queridos.
Os nossos corações, pensamentos e orações estão convosco e com o vosso anjinho.
Um beijinho muito grande e muita força nesta hora tão difícil.
Manuela Marques lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

I didn’t know Victoria for too long ,but I always remember Victoria has a beautiful,polite and beautiful smile
May your beautiful angel help you going through this painful time
My deepest sympathy
Rest In Peace beautiful angel
Shirley Staciuk posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
There aren't any words that will make your pain any easier at this time except for to stay strong and may God grant you and your family the strength to get through this moment, I've had the pleasure of meeting your little girl Victoria at Wilson Avenue School she was an angel sweetheart she will forever be in our hearts her memory everlasting in those who knew her. Rest in Peace Angel ,love Mrs. Shirley Staciuk (Ms. S )
Victoria Correia posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
No words can be said that will make this heartache and grief any easier. Victoria will always be the beautiful big sister that was taken too soon. Heaven gained an angel. You will forever be missed.
Dylan Barreiro lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Victoria was a beautiful friend to me. So beautiful and polite. So sad to see her gone.
Patricia Vieira lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Princess it was a privilege to have met you, when you arrived at Kindergarten with that beautiful smile and personality like a bright sun that brightened my day, you left in my heart the most beautiful memories. Rest in peace my little princess. I love you.
Tracy Barreiro uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Our hearts are broken. Victoria you are a beautiful young lady. Your friend Dylan will always remember you. We will miss your beautiful smile. Rest in peace our beautiful friend.
Love the Barreiro's
Dylan, Tracy & Joey
Kamila Ibarra lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Feeling so heartbroken for you, Victoria, and Cynthia, dad and Natasha. Praying for peace during this unexplainable time. My sweet, smart, intelligent, friendly and just cool kid all around, Victoria, you were so loved in my classroom as a Kindergartener and will always have a piece of my heart.
Rest In Peace Baby Girl
Elenita lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Descanse em Paz nos braços do Pai Princesa. Aqui na terra você fara muita falta. Que Jesus conforte o coração de sua familia e amigos.
Maria Oliveira lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Maria Oliveira posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
So very heartbreaking, do not know you but the very thought of losing a child makes it feel like the pain is shared... totally unimaginable, devastating a tragedy. I truly hope you find the strength to recover...
Maria Duarte lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Meus queridos, ninguém neste mundo deveria viver esta dor. Abraço-vos com amor e Desejo-vos força
Mónica Pereira Leal lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Descansa em paz princesa Vitória.
Muita força para toda a família.
Susanne Emans lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Nao ha palavras que podem consolar esta tremenda perca…meu coracao esta com voces e so posso desejar muita forca para a familia toda….Descansa em paz pequena princesa..
João Conceição lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Parviz lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Querida Victoria, que a tua alma descanse em paz. We will share your memories for all of eternity.
sara forouzin lit a candle
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Meus sinceros sentimentos amigo , que a alma da querida vitória esteja em paz e que o vosso coração encontre conforto
Arianna Guerreiro posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
I will never forget the memories we made and the legacy you left in my life. I will never understand why it just had to be you. It hurts to see someone so young and such a unique and special girl have to go. Please come visit me in my dreams sometime soon. All my friends you met at my party all thought you were the sweetest girl and i am so glad you met them. Thank you for being such a light in everyone's lives. And thank you for all you've taught me. I love you to pieces, Victoria.
- Arianna Guerreiro
Arianna Guerreiro uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, April 5, 2022




+ 7
Edith lit a candle
Monday, April 4, 2022

May Victoria’s Soul Rest In Peace. May God comfort her family.
Ana Keenan posted a condolence
Monday, April 4, 2022
Meus sinceros sentimentos a toda a Família Bastos.
Vitória foi um anjo que conviveu com vocês e agora voltou pros braços do Pai, certamente está agora rodeada por muitos Anjos de luz!
Estarei em oração por ela e por vocês…
ANA DA SILVA lit a candle
Monday, April 4, 2022

The family of Victoria P. Bastos uploaded a photo
Monday, April 4, 2022

Please wait

About Us
We, the Higgins family, for over 135 years and four generations, have been privileged to serve the families and the community as a whole with professional service and personal attention.
752 Mountain Blvd
Watchung, NJ 07069
Steve Szczubelek, Manager