Saturday, May 1, 2004
I wanted to say a few words about my Mom because as she often said, she was my favorite subject. As I often joked with her, she was a blabbermouth but she was also the most giving person I'll ever meet. She spent her whole life doing for others. There were a couple of people who I felt really did her wrong. When I would say why don't you do this or that, she would say "Lori Lynn shut your mouth" and make a million excuses for their behavior and still have an undying love for them even though she was deeply hurt. I believe she died of a broken heart and has left us to join her son. I also believe that souls, especially like hers, linger around earth until they feel peace. So my prayer for my mother is that God gives us all the strength and love to pull together afetr this terrible loss and show her we are OK so she can finally rest and maybe take some time to herself. I love and miss you Mom, Lori</b></font><br><br>